Every year I vow to declutter, organize a family command center and you know, get it together. With three kids, three dogs, a husband, and two jobs the need is there, the ambition is there, but I always talk myself out of it because of the I don’t have’s.
You know, I don’t have the…
But you know what happens when you procrastinate and let things get out of control? You become that deadline missing, late for everything, close to clueless mom you never wanted to be. Not to mention a stressed-out hot mess!!!
So if there is a time and a place for everything, the time to finally get organized is now. No more excuses! A family command center is a perfect place to start.

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Now, just in case you’re wondering what I’m talking about, a family command center is a place to declutter and organize all your family stuff: mail, to-do lists, school reminders, kid’s homework, and anything else that otherwise may end up in the junk drawer.
Interesting concept, right? In case you’re looking for a little organization inspiration & I’m guessing you are, because you’re here:)) the following 15 family command centers will do the trick!
Stylish Family Command Center

You’ll love the beauty and design of this family organization system created by Mandy at House of Rose. She doesn’t sacrifice functionality for the sake of decor. My favorite detail? The custom bulletin board!
Galvanized Modular Wall System

This fabulous family command center from Pottery Barn isn’t a DIY it’s a BUY-which is more my speed-it’s entirely customizable and let’s be honest here-it’s one of the most remarkable & stylish family command centers on the market.
Ikea Idea

Now, if you aren’t familiar with iron & twine, you should be! I seriously love everything Michelle does, but I especially adore this Ikea project! It’s stylish and modern with a little farmhouse added with the natural baskets!
Industrial Command Center

Ok, so this may look like a custom build/store bought whatever you want to call it, but it’s not. To prove it here’s the before picture-

Yes, I know this isn’t a before & after post, but I had to show you!!! Go ahead & scroll back up & take another look! I’ll wait!
This is a 100% DIY Family Command Center on a magnetic chalkboard! How awesome is that?
Clever Cabinet

Yes, this one is a custom job! Please wait a moment before you hate me for including custom pieces!
Remember, these are to inspire you, not make you roll your eyes until you’re dizzy and think you’ll never have anything nice so what’s the point in trying! Look! There’s a place for every piece of mail and reminder plus a door to hide ALL of it!!! (I love to bury my junk, don’t you?) The key hooks are a nice touch, but I bet ya $10 I’d still lose my keys!
Command Center Closet

Before the transformation

And after! What a brilliant idea to maximize space! By taking out the shelf in the old closet-which was too tiny for anything substantial anyway-and adding a lot of (affordable) organization accessories – they made a small space rock!
My favorite feature? The charging station for the family devices! The only thing that is missing is a invisible wall of secrecy and silence so mom can work in peace! I’ll let you know as soon as those roll out onto the market.
Kitchen Command Center

Charlotte’s family command center has everything I wish I had. Seriously. With three kids I may need a little more calendar space, but she has a place for everything here. I love the little accent details included in her project like the framed page of the state of Connecticut and the scrabble tiles from her wedding.
Kitchen Command Center

Another idea is to get a wall mount system like this one. Accessorize it with the basics and you’re all set! If you don’t have an entire wall or a long space for your family command center this wall mount system is definitely the way to go. **Update** Don’t go nuts trying to find this exact one (like I did)-it’s discontinued. I know, right? There’s one I liked that I linked up at the bottom of the post that will work as a substitute.
Family Command Center

But what if you don’t have that kind of room? I know some of y’all are looking for solutions for smaller areas. If that’s you, then this design from The Homes I Have Made may be the inspiration you need. She customized a small space using metal wall-mounted files, a magnetized board, and a mudroom shelf from Amazon!
You know I had to investigate the Amazon situation. I do tend to trail off, but it’s worth mentioning that I found this cute Sonoma Cubbie Shelf while I was browsing!
Giant Command Center

Valerie over at The Caldwell Project has made a place for everything-including inspirational messages and plants! While the size of this family command center may seem imposing, the color palette doesn’t overpower the room making it one of my favorites!
Hallway Command Center

If you think you don’t have any space for a family command center you may want to reconsider after looking at this rustic idea on a hallway wall!
Back to School Station

I don’t know where to start. If you have kids, then you understand the value of this organization system designed by The 36th Avenue. She has a multi-purpose calendar thing going here that I love! It’s both a white and a magnetic board so you can wipe to-do’s on & off, use it as a post-it board, and hang scissors and necessary homework items all in one spot. Pure genius!
Front Entrance Command Center
Modular Family Command Center

Yes, it’s another fabulous modular customizable command center from Pottery Barn! I can’t help it-it’s another one of those too perfect to leave out situations!
Why am I singing the praises of these command center set ups?
Well, you’re looking at an a la carte ordering situation here or piece by piece or modular whatever you want to call it- you can get the pieces you want that fit in your space! My favorite feature? The TWO calendars! Also, their stuff lasts forever.

Here’s a fabulous mudroom design I found on Joshua Wayne’s instagram page. Love the baskets, the lighting, and the classic look. I know there’s no place for a “to do” list here, but it was just too fab to leave out!
Done In A Day Family Command Center

Don’t you love Southern Living? I do! I think it’s required when you’re a Mississippian like I am, but even if you’re not from the south you’ll appreciate this full tutorial on how to create a family command center in a day! Of course it has the cork board and magnetic features we all love, but the added ribbon detail that frames the board makes it extra special!
What To Read Next:
75 Genius Dollar Store Hacks That’ll Organize Every Room According To Pinterest
40 Incredibly Clever + Easy Hacks To Organize Your Kitchen On A Budget
15 Genius Ikea Hacks That’ll Instantly Upgrade Every Room On The Cheap
33 DIY Backyard Games That’ll Take Your Summer To The Next Level
17 Healthy Crockpot Dinner Recipes
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