The Best Keto Drinks – from Starbucks Menu! Today we’re covering everything you need to know to order low carb, keto-friendly coffees, frappes, teas, refreshers (and Starbuck’s Secret Menu items) so you don’t drink your carbs and blow your macros.
Suffering from a wicked case of Keto induced Starbucks confusion?
Don’t panic! Here’s what you need to know to order Keto Starbucks drinks from iced & hot coffees, Frappuccinos, teas & Starbucks Secret Menu Keto drinks that are beyond brilliant!

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You have worked too hard cutting bread, pasta, and counting macros to blow it on your morning or afternoon Starbucks fix.
Starbucks can be intimidating – even if you’re not new to the keto diet, and there isn’t a line of impatient coffee enthusiasts for days waiting for you to hurry up and order.
If you don’t know what you’re doing, it’s easy to get confused and frustrated and get your order all kinds of wrong.
The Truth About Starbucks Whipped Cream
The bad news is Starbucks Whipped Cream is homemade. The good news is Starbucks Whipped Cream is homemade.
Starbucks makes their Whipped Cream topping in-house with Heavy Cream + Vanilla Syrup, which adds carbs. A Ton of Carbs.
Starbucks uses 8 pumps of Vanilla Syrup for every 16 ounces of heavy cream. If you take a quick trip to the back label of Starbucks Vanilla Syrup – which is on their website – you’ll see 20 grams of carbs per 2 tablespoons. Keep in mind this is for a batch of whipped cream not one serving, but still.
Skip it!
Why this is a good thing: You can always depend on Starbucks to have heavy whipping cream – a keto favorite – on hand!
Warning: Hidden Sugars (& Carbs) Your Barista Can Do Nothing About
Starbucks is all about customization, but some things are out of your baristas control like the crazy high sugar content in:
Classic Syrup
Matcha Mix
Chai Tea Latte Mix
What To Use Instead of Milk In Keto Starbucks Drinks
The details on macros for all your Starbucks milk options are at the bottom of this article, but in case you’re in a hurry I’ll Bottom Line It: Swap half & half or heavy whipping cream or a combo of half heavy cream/half water.
Heavy Whipping Cream is my go-to for coffee – the fat content gives it a rich flavor that makes half & half taste like water. Sure, heavy cream has a few more calories, but I’ve found I need less sweetener when I use it.
Barista Tip: Assume nothing at Starbucks – especially when you’re adding cream to your coffee or tea! They usually put Half & Half out with the sugar – but they don’t mind giving you cream – just ask!
Sweeteners & Sugar-Free Syrups
The Stevia at Starbucks is mixed with fructose and has 2 grams of carbs per packet. Sorry. You’re best bet is to go prepared: I keep these Stevia Drops and a million other things in my purse in case of a sweetener 911!
In case you missed this tidbit earlier, skip the Classic Syrup! You’re looking at too much sugar & way too many carbs! You can try Starbucks sugar-free syrups if Sucralose doesn’t upset your stomach!
Sugar-Free Vanilla Syrup: 0 calories, 0 carbs
Sugar-Free Cinnamon Dolce Syrup: 0 calories, 0 carbs
Sugar-Free Peppermint Syrup: (seasonal) 0 calories, 0 carbs
Skinny Mocha Syrup: (Reduced Sugar)
Starbucks Sizes

Short: Hot Only – 8 oz.
Tall: 12 oz.
Grande: 16 oz.
Venti Hot: 20 oz.
Venti Iced: 24 oz.
Trenta Cold Only: 31 oz.
Starbucks sizes are hella confusing & frustrating when you’re a I Need Coffee To Survive – kinda person. They’re also pretty important when it comes to ordering an off-menu drink. Here’s what you need to know before you give up or make an a@@ out of yourself like Paul Rudd in this scene from Role Models.
Keto Starbucks Drinks Straight Off The Menu
Starbucks Drip Coffee AKA: Freshly brewed coffee. Choose from Veranda Blend, Pike’s Roast, Blonde Roast or the featured coffee. Use heavy cream or half & half & sugar-free syrup to sweeten.
Espresso: No carbs in espresso!
Americano: Espresso + Water – No Carbs!
Iced Caffe Americano: Espresso topped with water – on ice. No Carbs!
Misto: Half Coffee + Half Heavy Cream No Carbs!
Cold Brew: Powerful coffee brewed in cold water for up to 24 hours. Nothing added! Sweeten with sugar-free syrup or heavy whipping cream.
Nitro Cold Brew (NCB): Variation of the Cold Brew infused with nitrogen bubbles that give it a foamy top- looks like a Guinness Beer – tastes like coffee. No Carbs!
Teavana Shaken Unsweetened Iced Passion Tango Tea: No Carbs!
Hot Tea: Most of the Starbucks teas are keto-friendly, but a few have hidden carbs looking at you Chai. Stick to these & add sugar-free syrup &/or heavy whipping cream to sweeten.
Emperors Cloud and Mist Green Tea
Jade Citrus Mint Green Tea
Mint Majesty Herbal Tea
Passion Tango Herbal Tea
Peach Tranquility Herbal Tea
Royal English Breakfast Tea
Teavana Earl Grey Brewed Tea
Teavana Organic Chai Tea
Youthberry White Tea
Hot Keto Starbucks Drinks

Starbucks Original: Espresso + Milk
Grande: 120 calories, 4 grams fat, 8 grams protein, 12 carbs
How To Order: Ask for a short cappuccino with heavy whipping cream instead of milk
Caffe Mocha
Original: Espresso + Mocha Syrup + Steamed Milk + Whipped Cream
A Grande comes standard with 40 carbs. Let’s cut that number by ordering a smaller size & making a few adjustments!
How To Order: Ask for a short Skinny Mocha using ½ heavy cream + ½ water to swap for milk + 2 pumps Skinny Mocha Syrup
Much Better: 105 calories, 10 grams fat, 1.1 grams protein, 2.5 net carbs
Caffe Latte

Original: Espresso + steamed milk topped with foam
A Tall will cost you 15 carbs. We can do better.
How To Order: Ask for a short latte with 2 shots of espresso + sugar-free milk substitute (½ water + ½ heavy cream)
Much Better: 155 calories, 1.6 grams protein, 15 grams fat, 2.5 net carb
Vanilla Latte: Add Sugar-Free Vanilla Syrup
Cinnamon Dolce Latte: Add Sugar-Free Cinnamon Dolce Syrup
Both Are Low Carb With: 155 cal, 1.6 grams protein, 15 grams fat, 3.5 net carbs
The Undertow
Starbucks Secret Menu
How To Order: Ask for a short Undertow with 3 pumps sugar free vanilla syrup + a splash of heavy cream + 2 shots espresso
55 calories, 5 grams fat, 0.6 grams protein, 2.3 net carbs
Low Carb Spin on recipe from Starbucks Secret Menu
Chai Latte

Original: Milk + Water + Chai Tea + Sugar + Honey + Vanilla – 45 Carbs!
How To Order: Ask for a tall Chai Latte using unsweetened brewed Chai Tea bags plus 3 pumps sugar free Dolce Cinnamon or sugar free vanilla syrup & 2 shots heavy whipping cream
Tall: 400 calories, 10 grams fat, 1 grams protein, 1.5 net carbs
Iced Keto Starbucks Drinks
Iced Coffee

Original: Brewed Coffee + Classic Syrup – 20 Carbs!
How To Order Keto: Ask for unsweetened iced coffee without the Classic syrup + 3 pumps Sugar-Free Vanilla Syrup or Cinnamon Dolce or both!
Tall: 5 calories, 0 fat, 0 protein, 0.7 carbs
Iced Coffee with Cream
Original: Brewed Coffee + Classic Syrup + Milk – 23 Carbs
How To Order: Ask for unsweetened iced coffee no Classic syrup + 3 pumps sugar-free vanilla syrup + 2 shots heavy whipping cream.
Tall: 105 calories, 10 grams fat, 1 gram protein, 1.7 carbs
Iced Mocha
Creativity & Photo Credit goes to happyandhealthyeverydamnday
Original: Espresso + milk + mocha syrup + ice + whipped cream – 39 Carbs
How To Order Keto: Ask for an iced tall skinny mocha with a ½ heavy cream + ½ water swap for milk + 2 pumps Skinny Mocha Syrup
Tall: 168 calories, 15 grams fat, 1.9 protein, 5.4 net carbs

Mocha Frappuccino
Original: Roast Coffee + Coffee Frappuccino Syrup + Milk + Ice + Whipped Cream – 64 Net Carbs!
How To Order Keto: Ask for tall unsweetened iced coffee with extra ice + 3 pumps skinny mocha syrup + 3 shots heavy whipping cream blended Frappuccino style (no Frappuccino base or syrups)
Tall: 174 calories, 15.4 grams fat, 1.9 grams protein, 5.8 net carbs
Caffe Vanilla Frappuccino
Original: Roast Coffee + Vanilla Bean Powder + Milk + Ice + Whipped Cream – 72 Carbs
How To Order: Ask for a tall unsweetened iced coffee with extra ice + 3 pumps sugar free vanilla syrup + 3 shots heavy whipping cream blended frappuccino style (no frappuccino base or syrups)
Tall: 153 calories, 15 grams fat, 1.5 grams protein, 2.2 carbs
Coffee Frappuccino

Original: Coffee Frappuccino Syrup + Milk + Ice – 50 Carbs!
How To Order: Order a tall unsweetened iced coffee with extra ice + 3 pumps sugar free vanilla or cinnamon dolce syrup + 3 shots heavy whipping cream blended Frappuccino style (no Frappuccino base or syrups)
Tall: 153 calories, 15 grams fat, 1.5 grams protein, 2.2 carbs
Cold Brew Faux Frap
Starbucks Secret Menu
How To Order: Ask for a tall cold brew coffee + 2 shots heavy whipping cream + 2 pumps sugar free vanilla syrup + 2 pumps sugar free Dolce Cinnamon syrup blended frappuccino style (no frappuccino base or syrups)
Tall: 158 calories, 10 grams fat, 1 gram protein, 4.8 carbs
Keto Venti Doubleshot: 5 Shots Espresso + 2 Splashes Heavy Cream + 2 pumps Sugar-Free Vanilla Syrup + Ice
Venti: 113 calories, 0.2 grams fat, 0.5 grams protein, 3.8 carbs
Iced Chai Latte
Original: Milk + Ice + Blend of Black Tea & Spices + Sugar + Honey + Lemon Juice – 44 Carbs
How To Order: Ask for a tall iced Chai Latte using unsweetened brewed Chai Tea bags plus 3 pumps sugar free Dolce Cinnamon or sugar free vanilla syrup & 2 shots heavy whipping cream
Tall: 400 calories, 10 grams fat, 1 grams protein, 1.5 net carbs
Pink Drink
View this post on InstagramI’m in love with this “new to me” #KetoPinkDrink! So refreshing and delicious!
A post shared by ‼️Katy‼️ ( on
Original: Ice + Strawberry Acai Base + Coconut Milk + Freeze Dried Strawberries – 25 Carbs
How To Order: Ask for a tall Iced Passion Fruit Tea (with No Cane Sugar) + 2 pumps sugar-free vanilla syrup + 2 shots heavy whipping cream
Tall: 390 calories, 5 grams fat, 0.5 grams protein, 1.5 net carbs
Pink Drink

How To Order: Ask for a tall Iced Passion Fruit Tea with no cane sugar + a splash of coconut milk + freeze dried strawberries
Tall: 370 calories, 3.2 grams fat, 0.3 grams protein, 0.4 net carbs
Secret Menu Keto Starbucks Drinks
Barista Tip: When you order something from the Secret Menu always be prepared to share the recipe with your barista. My source told me he’s happy to create any combination, but the Secret Menu isn’t something they keep behind the counter:)
The Green Eye

Starbucks Secret Menu
How To Order: Ask for a tall iced regular drip coffee with 3 shots of espresso + shot of heavy cream
Tall: 11 calories, 10 grams fat, 1.1 grams protein, 1.5 carbs
Passion Green Tea

Starbucks Secret Menu
How To Order: Ask for a tall iced sugar free ½ green tea + ½ sugar free passion fruit tea
Tall: 270 calories, 0 grams fat, 0 grams protein, 0 net carbs
Peach Citrus White Tea
Starbucks Secret Menu
How To Order: Ask for a tall Unsweetened Peach Citrus White Tea + Splash Heavy Whipping Cream + 2 pumps sugar free vanilla syrup + light ice
Tall: 350 calories, 5 grams fat, 0.5 grams protein, 1.5 net carbs
White Tea Drink
Starbucks Secret Menu
How To Order: Ask for a tall iced unsweetened black or peach citrus white tea with 3-4 pumps sugar free vanilla syrup + 2 shots heavy whipping cream
Tall: 350 calories, 5 grams fat, 0.5 grams protein, 1.5 net carbs
Keto Colada
Starbucks Secret Menu
How To Order: Ask for a tall iced unsweetened Pineapple Black Tea + 3 pumps sugar free vanilla syrup
Tall: 350 calories, 5 grams fat, 0.5 grams protein, 1.5 net carbs
Where To Find Nutrition Info
Tracking macros? Don’t forget you’re looking for net carbs, not total. To calculate net carbs subtract the dietary fiber from the number of total carbs.
Starbucks Interactive Nutrition Menu – You can use the search or browse for your drink by category. Once you find it hit the green arrow to the right to get the info, the downside to this option is not every substitution is listed as an option.

Starbucks App – You don’t have to be a rewards program member anymore to calculate nutrition, save your fave drink combinations, order & pay using the Starbucks App.
Starbucks Milk Options Per Cup
Whole Milk: 149 calories, 7.9 grams fat, 7 grams protein, 12 net carbs
Non Fat Milk: 83 calories, 0.2 grams fat, 8.3 grams protein, 12 net carbs
Almond Milk: 78 calories, 4.8 grams fat, 1.3 grams protein, 6 net carbs
Coconut Milk: 74 calories, 5 grams fat, 0.3 grams protein, 7 net carbs
Soy Milk: 105 calories, 5 grams of fat, 6.5 grams protein, 8.3 net carbs
Placing Your Order
Want to make life easier on your barista & get your order faster? Request it in this order next time you go.
Hot or Iced: Give this detail first so your barista knows what kind of cup to grab!
Size: Also VIP for determining cup:)
Full Strength or Decaf
How many shots of espresso
Flavor Syrup
Milk or milk swap
Special Requests: Leave room for cream, sugar-free
Name: They don’t care how you spell your name – as long as they can shout it out!
Channel Your Inner Barista
Maybe you don’t want to fight the lines.
Or brush your teeth.
Or deal with people.
Or spend the money.
Or all of the above!
Create Your Favorite Keto Starbucks Drinks At Home!
According to my Starbucks source, it’s easy to DIY these recipes at home!
Of course, you know all of the Starbucks coffees are available just about everywhere, but did you know you can buy the Sugar-Free Syrups and the pumps?
Buy Starbucks Sugar-Free Syrups
Jordan’s Skinny Sugar-Free Mocha Syrup
Torani Sugar-Free Peppermint Syrup
Before you go – It takes hard work, discipline, dedication & a focused mind to lose weight, & stick to the keto diet!
I know. I’ve been there! The keto diet helped me lose 148 pounds! That’s an entire 4th grader for those of you who like a visual:)
If a 40-something mother of three kids can do it – you can too.
I’ve lost 148 pounds on the keto diet and maintained that weight loss for eight years!

Shout Out To Tastaholics Custom Keto Weekly Meal Plans & Keto In Five cookbooks for keeping me on track for the first two years!
Here’s the low-down on the weekly meal plans – Tastaholics will send you pre-calculated, low carb meal plans and recipes right into your inbox – no more hunting down recipes on the internet and trying to fit them together perfectly every day.

Doesn’t that sound easy? It is. And you can try it totally free right here
Or – opt for the Keto In Five– These Are Not your Grandmother’s Cookbooks -You can download them to any device!
Each collection offers 30 breakfast recipes, 30 lunch recipes, 30 dinner recipes & 30 dessert recipes with only 5 ingredients & 5 net carbs! They provide all the macro info for you – which makes life so much easier!
Go ahead & try the meal plans or grab the Keto In Five Bundle!You’ve got nothing to lose – They offer a 365 Day money-back guarantee, but you won’t need it:) Ok – sales pitch over:)
Don’t Miss These Keto Recipes!
500+ Low Carb – Keto Recipes
Intro to Rebel Keto: How I Stopped The Blame Game, Lost the Weight, and Wrote a Book About Keto
16 Keto Coffee Recipes That Energize & Burn Fat All Day
27 Keto Copycat Recipes
6 Easy Keto Chaffle Recipes [Sweet & Savory] To Make ASAP
Keto Shortbread Cookies with Cream Cheese Frosting
3 Ingredient Peanut Butter Cookies
34 Keto Cocktails That Won’t Blow Your Diet
Don’t Forget to Save & Share!