18 Funny Things Parents Hear in Line At Disney World

Going on a family vacation to Walt Disney World is a happy, magical, don’t you dare miss it experience. But in between those fabulous Instagram worthy family memories, every family experiences a little reality.
Here are a few funny things you can expect to hear from your kids (or somebody else’s) in the oh-so-worth it lines!
Funny Things You Will Hear in Line at Disney World
I’m tired!
I’m thirsty!
I’m hungry!
I’m bored!
Puh-leeze buy me a bubble wand!
Stop touching me!
Stop touching your brother/sister
Everybody just pretend like your a statue.
This is the longest Fast Pass Line in the history of mankind.
Ugh-Oh. I think my bubble wand is broken.
I think I ate too much of that turkey leg/ice cream/popcorn/insert snack option here
How much longer are we going to be in this line?
Why didn’t we get family T-Shirts?
And the very worst one…because it always, without fail is uttered the moment you are just about to board the cannot miss the ride of the century or just before the fireworks…
I have to go to the bathroom…
Your turn – name one of the funniest things your child has ever said on vacation! Put it in the comment section below. Thanks for stopping by – please check out some of my helpful posts for parents – whether you’re going on vacation or not!