7 Healthy Juicing Recipes for Weight Loss And Detox That Go Above & Beyond Fat Burning Green Juice

You’re in the right place if you’re looking for the best juicing recipes for weight loss or detoxing. Today, I’m sharing seven fat-burning juice recipes, including the infamous green juice and the straight tea if drinking straight-up veggie and fruit juice helps you lose weight.

Looking for juicing recipes for beginners? This guide to juicing for weight loss and detoxing has you covered! 7 healthy detox juice recipes, including the popular fat burning green juice, immunity building juice, and more tips to help you decide if you want to start a healthy food detox juice cleanse to kickstart your weight loss plan! #juicing #detox #naturaldetoxtips #antiinflammatory #greenjuice

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Depending on who you talk to, detox drinks and cleanses are a pure genius healthy idea or a 100% hoax from hell. I’ve gotta level with you; in my opinion, they can be both.

Drinking juices, smoothies, or soup detoxes the body and gives the digestive system a rest so it can fight inflammation and other chronic conditions. 

But the truth is, your body doesn’t need any help detoxing—it does that just fine all by itself, thankyouverymuch.

An occasional juice or cleanse can be a fabulous way to kickstart a healthy eating plan and take in more vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. 

Still, it isn’t going to make you feel like Mary freaking Poppins after a few days in. Here’s what nobody tells you about drinking juice, but I will. Because there are a few things you need to know before you go all-in on a juice diet.

Juicing Myths vs. Reality (I’m the one on the right with the WTF look)

You’ll Feel Like Crap

Here’s the deal: your body will notice when you switch to juice. Even if you’ve been a clean eating, hydrating workout machine – your body will be high-key pissed that it is missing its food. 

In other words, you’ll be like Jackson Brown – running on empty.  

You may get headaches and start feeling weak. You need to know that on the front end. 

And you know what you do when that happens? 


Go eat real food to feel better, and come back to the juice if you want to. You do not need to suffer in the name of losing weight. 

Now that I’m thinking about it, there’s no need to make yourself suffer through anything. Period.

You’re Digestive System May Hate You For It

You may experience digestive issues – AKA – running to the bathroom every five minutes. 

This checks out because you are drinking liquid fiber. 

Vegetables and fruits contain healthy amounts of vitamins, minerals, and fiber—and fiber is fabulous—but if you go from eating garbage to drinking straight juice, it will impact your stomach big time. 

Expect it—embrace it if you’re committed to it—and make sure you have plenty of toilet paper, time, and reading material for bathroom breaks.

Related: Buy my book, Rebel Keto.

What Is Juicing Anyway?

Juicing is all about extracting juice from fresh fruits and vegetables to create a healthy cocktail of vitamins, minerals, and nutrients. As I mentioned, juicing for weight loss is controversial in nutrition, especially since juice fasts and cleanses are trending. 

Pro Juicers claim it’s a fast and convenient way to get nutrients into our bodies, while critics argue it wastes time (and money). 

As for me, I tend to go straight down the middle of the aisle, avoiding controversy like a narcissist avoids accountability. 

Here’s the thing, no matter where you stand on juicing, I’ll maintain that a nice cold glass of energizing beet juice or green juice is always a better choice than any drive-through, over-processed, sugar-filled option. 

Can You Lose Weight By Juicing?

Yep. You can lose weight by drinking juice, but fair warning: it won’t be long-term. 

Any time you cut back on calories and focus on eating one food only—in this case, juice—you will lose weight. The problem is that weight returns, if you return to an unhealthy diet once your cleanse is over. 

You should look at juicing as a way to kickstart a healthy eating plan. 

Losing a few pounds may motivate you to get on the right track and make healthy food choices that will become lifelong (healthy) habits.

Benefits Of Juicing

Encourages good healthy eating habits by including more fruits and vegetables

Stronger immune system

Healthy clear skin

Improved appetite control

Strong hair and nails

Bonus: To make these juicing recipes for weight loss, you need only your favorite fruits and veggies and a blender or NutriBullet.

What Are The Best Juicing Recipes for Weight Loss?

I’ve good news if you’re still down for trying juice. You can get as creative as you want to with the ingredients. I’ve included a few of my favorite juicing recipes below – but if you prefer to mix things up and go rogue – feel free! 

The best rule of thumb for creating juicing recipes for weight loss I can pass on is to stick to 80% vegetable ingredients and 20% fruit (due to the amount of naturally occurring sugar in fruit.) 

I’m not saying you need to get a calculator here, but when formulating your recipes, keep this 80/20 rule in mind. And pay no attention to that fat-burning banana pineapple juice recipe you’ve seen on Pinterest—it is full of lies and sugar.

Pineapple and bananas do not burn fat. They never have—and they never will. If you are looking for an all-natural, thermogenic fat burner, check out this Burn XT fat burner review.

The following juice recipes are free of lies. They’re all vegan, vegetarian, dairy, and gluten-free. Each recipe serves two and takes around ten minutes to prep and juice.

When you find a favorite, please come back and let me know. Enjoy!

Healthy Carrot Juice

Looking for juicing recipes for beginners? This guide to juicing for weight loss and detoxing has you covered! 7 healthy detox juice recipes, including the popular fat burning green juice, immunity building juice, and more tips to help you decide if you want to start a healthy food detox juice cleanse to kickstart your weight loss plan! #juicing #detox #naturaldetoxtips #antiinflammatory #greenjuice

Prep time: 10–15 minutes – Cook Time: 2 Minutes – 2 Servings


  • Two medium beets, trimmed and halved
  • Three medium carrots peeled
  • One medium apple, cored and quartered
  • ½ medium lemon
  • 1-inch ginger, peeled

How To Make It: Wash and chop fruits and vegetables. Juice each item in the order in which it is listed. Strain the juice if you are not into the pulp-y texture. Chill and serve over ice or straight up.

Supercharged Green Juice for Energy

Looking for juicing recipes for beginners? This guide to juicing for weight loss and detoxing has you covered! 7 healthy detox juice recipes, including the popular fat burning green juice, immunity building juice, and more tips to help you decide if you want to start a healthy food detox juice cleanse to kickstart your weight loss plan! #juicing #detox #naturaldetoxtips #antiinflammatory #greenjuice

Prep time: 10–15 minutes – Cook Time: 2 Minutes – 2 Servings


  • 1 cup spinach or kale
  • 2 celery stalks
  • 1/2 large cucumber
  • 1 apple, cored
  • 1 handful of parsley
  • 1/4 lime
  • 1/4 lemon

How To Make It:

  1. Wash and prep fruits and vegetables.
  2. Cut celery, cucumber, apple, lime, and lemon into small pieces to fit in the top of the juicer.
  3. Add one ingredient to the juicer at a time.

Pour the juice into a glass and drink immediately, or refrigerate in a well-sealed container.

Beet It

Looking for juicing recipes for beginners? This guide to juicing for weight loss and detoxing has you covered! 7 healthy detox juice recipes, including the popular fat burning green juice, immunity building juice, and more tips to help you decide if you want to start a healthy food detox juice cleanse to kickstart your weight loss plan! #juicing #detox #naturaldetoxtips #antiinflammatory #greenjuice

Prep time: 10–15 minutes – Cook Time: 2 Minutes – 2 Servings


  • 3 Beets
  • 3 Carrots
  • 1 Apple

How To Make It:

  1. Rinse and chop beets, carrots, and apples.
  2. Add each ingredient to the juicer one at a time.
  3. Serve immediately—over ice or straight up.
  4. Refrigerate any leftover juice in a covered container.

Immunity Building Juice

Looking for juicing recipes for beginners? This guide to juicing for weight loss and detoxing has you covered! 7 healthy detox juice recipes, including the popular fat burning green juice, immunity building juice, and more tips to help you decide if you want to start a healthy food detox juice cleanse to kickstart your weight loss plan! #juicing #detox #naturaldetoxtips #antiinflammatory #greenjuice

Prep time: 10–15 minutes – Cook Time: 2 Minutes – 2 Servings


  • 1/2 small pineapple, peeled and cored
  • 1 large orange, peeled
  • 2 large carrots (with greens removed)
  • 1/2 inch ginger root
  • 1/2 lemon

How To Make It: Wash all fruits and veggies and prep them by cutting them into small pieces to fit into your juicer. Add one ingredient to the juicer at a time.

Pour the juice into a glass and drink immediately, or refrigerate in a well-sealed container.

Hydrating Cucumber Lemon Juice

Looking for juicing recipes for beginners? This guide to juicing for weight loss and detoxing has you covered! 7 healthy detox juice recipes, including the popular fat burning green juice, immunity building juice, and more tips to help you decide if you want to start a healthy food detox juice cleanse to kickstart your weight loss plan! #juicing #detox #naturaldetoxtips #antiinflammatory #greenjuice

Prep time: 10–15 minutes – Cook Time: 2 Minutes – 2 Servings

1 cup romaine lettuce
1 apple, cored
2 cucumbers
1/4 lemon

How To Make It: Wash all produce and prep by cutting into pieces that are small enough to fit into your juicer. Add one ingredient to the juicer at a time.

Pour the juice into a glass and drink immediately, or refrigerate in a well-sealed container.

Energizing Juice

Looking for juicing recipes for beginners? This guide to juicing for weight loss and detoxing has you covered! 7 healthy detox juice recipes, including the popular fat burning green juice, immunity building juice, and more tips to help you decide if you want to start a healthy food detox juice cleanse to kickstart your weight loss plan! #juicing #detox #naturaldetoxtips #antiinflammatory #greenjuice

Prep time: 10–15 minutes – Cook Time: 2 Minutes – 2 Servings

1 beetroot (greens removed)
2 carrots (greens removed)
2 celery stalks
2 plum tomatoes

How To Make It: Wash all produce and prep by cutting into pieces that are small enough to fit into your juicer. Add one ingredient to the juicer at a time.
Pour the juice into a glass and drink immediately, or refrigerate in a well-sealed container.

Detox Juice

Looking for juicing recipes for beginners? This guide to juicing for weight loss and detoxing has you covered! 7 healthy detox juice recipes, including the popular fat burning green juice, immunity building juice, and more tips to help you decide if you want to start a healthy food detox juice cleanse to kickstart your weight loss plan! #juicing #detox #naturaldetoxtips #antiinflammatory #greenjuice

Prep time: 10–15 minutes – Cook Time: 2 Minutes – 2 Servings

1 cup kale or romaine
1 cucumber
1 bunch dandelion greens
1/4 lemon
1–2 garlic cloves, peeled
1/2 inch ginger root

How To Make It: Wash all produce and prep by cutting into pieces that are small enough to fit into your juicer. Add one ingredient to the juicer at a time.
Pour the juice into a glass and drink immediately, or refrigerate in a well-sealed container.

The Truth About The Apple Cider Vinegar Juice

One more thing, and I need you to pay attention, please: do not try the Apple Cider Vinegar detox drink. I know there’s a ton of hype around it, so I looked into it. 

There isn’t enough evidence to back up the weight-loss claims, but there are enough warnings to make me say, Hold Up A Second.

See, I have this thing called the Savannah test. Savannah is my nineteen-year-old daughter who is always asking me for advice because, hello—I’m her mother and a health coach—and she knows I’m a super nerd when it comes to nutrition.

Anyway, the Savannah test goes like this: If I don’t give her the green light on something – meaning I think it is safe to do – or try – I’m sure as hell not going to tell you to do it. 

So here’s what I told Savannah about that detox drink:

The ACV drink tastes like crap, and one glass can damage your teeth. (Seriously, the recommendation is to drink it from a straw and rinse your mouth immediately after – I mean, REALLY? That is a bad sign, y’all.)

It’s not worth it. Don’t try it. If you want to lose weight, I get it. I’ve been there – I have lost over 100 pounds. Three times.  

There are healthier ways to do it that will serve you in the long term. So, be a Nancy Reagan and just say no to that one, OK?

Alrighty then. 

Well, I’m done with fruits and vegetables, juicing recipes for weight loss, and blogging for the day. I may do a few Fitness Marshall workouts, or if I’m honest, binge-watch Real Housewives of Beverly Hills for a few hours and go to bed. I’ll link up to a few other posts you may also like below. 

Thanks for reading – and please share this with friends if it helped you and/or if you wanna help a sister out because this is how I pay the bills here:) 

Thanks for reading – and please share this with friends if you liked it:)

Don’t Miss These Healthy Recipes & Tips!

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Looking for juicing recipes for beginners? This guide to juicing for weight loss and detoxing has you covered! 7 healthy detox juice recipes, including the popular fat burning green juice, immunity building juice, and more tips to help you decide if you want to start a healthy food detox juice cleanse to kickstart your weight loss plan! #juicing #detox #naturaldetoxtips #antiinflammatory #greenjuice


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