When it comes to finding the best GPS tracker for kids with autism you want the best of the best, right? My son Nathan has autism. He wanders. I panic. The AngelSense GPS Tracker gives us peace of mind, and, in my opinion, is the best GPS tracker for autism.

It’s a parent’s worst nightmare. One minute your child is safe and sound standing next to you and the next he’s gone. Autistic children can disappear in a flash. At school, at the park, and at home.
That’s where we lost my son Nathan.
Feeling helpless and panicked, I called 911 as my husband raced to search the land behind our home. When the operator asked me to describe my son and the clothes he was wearing, my mind went blank, and I couldn’t remember. That’s when the gravity of the situation hit me hard.

As I tried desperately to recall the pajamas we chose the night before I couldn’t help but think we were wasting time. I needed to be looking-searching – doing anything but holding the phone in my shaking hands.
A study in the journal Pediatrics reports that half of the kids with autism will wander away at least once by the age of four.
74% of those kids wandered away from home.
40% eloped from stores, and 29% from their school.
100% of those parents were scared to death
Thankfully, my story has a happy ending. A good samaritan found my son and called the police. I got my son back.

Many parents don’t.
If you’re a Mom, Dad, or caregiver and you’re looking for the best GPS tracker for autism, then please continue reading. After our scare I did an extensive amount of research and I believe it will help you make an informed decision.
When it comes to the safety of our children with autism, second best is not an option. When seconds count –when they can make the difference between life and death– parents need to know they can depend on a GPS tracker with state of the art technology.
I researched all of GPS tracking devices on the market, but none of them measured up to AngelSense.
None. Of. Them.
See, AngelSense is the only GPS tracking device that was developed by special needs parents for special needs parents. AngelSense features go above and beyond the other GPS tracking options because they have been in our shoes.
They know what we need.
Here’s what sets them apart. Warning: We are about to go deep into AngelSense here, so you may need to save this for later:))
8 AngelSense Features That Make It The Best GPS Tracker for Autism

AngelCall 2 Way Voice
This feature makes the AngelSense device the first phone for people with special needs. With AngelCall, you can communicate with your child anytime without them having to click a single button. (Other devices require the child to push a button or click something.) AngelCall allows you to be “with” your child all of the time to offer support or help them to calm down.
What I love the most about the AngelCall feature is that in case of a wandering situation you can use it to tell your child to stop, stay away from the busy intersection or provide any number of instructions to keep him safe.
Proven Child Search Mode-Special “Runner” Mode
This advanced AngelSense feature was built especially for parents searching for their child, and to me, it’s one of those things that sets AngelSense apart from the other trackers.
The “Runner” Mode provides parents 10-second updates on their child’s location. If your child is a runner, then you know how valuable these updates are.
When your kid is on the move, knowing where they were 30 seconds ago is not enough. And with the built-in alarm, you can click a button and sound an alarm on your child’s device. This alarm helps you quickly locate your child in a crowd, indoors, or hiding behind a rack of clothes in a department store.
First Responder Group Alarm
The First Responder Group Alarm allows you to notify a group of people that your child is missing with one click of a button. This list is pre-set by you. You’ll want to include neighbors and police & fire department.
Here’s the best part: all of those people will get a live view of your child’s location AND directions to them.
Even the most level-headed parent will panic in an emergency situation. You will feel torn between calling in a search group and taking action by looking yourself. With the First Responder alarm, all you have to do is click a button instead of spending precious time texting or phoning for help.
Full Day View & Early Warnings
This allows you to see your child’s location, routes and rates of speed all day every day and if something goes wrong, you’re alerted immediately.
Why is that important?
Well, let’s say you’re concerned about who is driving your child to school. Perhaps you suspect your child’s bus driver isn’t following the rules of the road. This feature shows you how fast the school bus is going! And if it is making any unauthorized stops!

I know a mom who used this feature to discover (and prove) that her son’s bus driver was stopping at the mall every day with the students in tow.
Another mom discovered that her babysitter was driving at a ridiculously fast speed with her child after school.
You can also tell if your child strays from his schedule as you’ll be alerted ASAP.
Here’s an example of how it looks on a smartphone.
Listen In Feature
Ok, this is also a BIG one. With AngelSense listen in you can hear what’s happening in your child’s surroundings without the child having to click a button.
Are you worried about bullying?
I know parents that use this feature to listen in and discover potential threats. If you’ve ever felt helpless because you wanted to protect your child 24/7, and you thought it wasn’t possible, I’ve got good news.
AngelSense is empowering parents to secure their child’s safety by allowing them to listen in to their day.
Late Departure Warning
Have you ever worried about your child being left behind? It happens, and when it does, it’s scary.
The late departure warning from AngelSense alerts you via instant text if your child doesn’t leave school or any regularly visited location on time.
Sensory-Friendly Wearable GPS
None of these awesome AngelSense features mean a thing if your child won’t wear it. Like a lot of autistic kids, my son Nathan is sensitive to certain clothing and likes to strip off his clothes at the end of the day. He wouldn’t keep a GPS tracking watch on for longer than it takes to take it off! Finding a GPS tracker that was comfortable and wearable was very important to me.
Because the folks at AngelSense are special needs parents, they understand how important comfort is to our kids so they designed three different wearable GPS options: a fabric sleeve to attach to clothing, a belt that your child can wear under clothing (for kids like Nathan who change clothes often-or go without them entirely), and a super-soft undershirt.
They make all of three of these wearables with special needs kids with sensory issues in mind.
AngelSense Sleeve
AngelSense Belt
AngelSense Shirt
Extraordinary Customer Service
If there has ever been a time to factor in customer service it’s now.
I was shocked when I read the reviews of other trackers.
Things like “worst customer service ever” and “refuses to respond to customers” were recurring comments. I think we can agree that the last thing you want to deal with is rude and unavailable people when you need them the most.
The AngelSense team understands how important customer service is to parents, so they offer three ways to get in touch: live chat, phone, and e-mail.
I find it comforting that another special needs parent who understands my situation more than anyone else will be taking my calls. Because they use AngelSense too.
Nothing Is Perfect
I’d be a liar if I told you AngelSense was perfect. Nothing is perfect. There are a few drawbacks that you need to know.
Learning Curve
It takes a little bit to get used to the technology.
AngelSense has a ton of resources to help you with that, which is a good thing, but it’s easy to get lost in their blog, and that can be frustrating. Thankfully, it’s easy to answers from the AngelSense community.
Their private Facebook group for users only is a great way to get solutions fast and connect with other parents.
Water – Update!
The device holds up to a few sprinkles of H2O, but it’s not waterproof-yet. AngelSense is currently working on a waterproof accessory which they hope to launch by summer of 2018.
Update: The AngelSense device is water-resistant and can withstand being splashed with water or being attached to wet clothing. They also offer an optional waterproof case, and a waterproof protective sleeve. The fact that AngelSense is constantly updating and innovating to better serve our kids is another example of why I rate them as the best GPS tracker for autism.
Battery Life – Update!
The AngelSense device battery life is strong at 12-14 48 hours, but you have to get into the habit of charging it.
Thankfully, the AngelSense app gives you reminders to charge the device at the end of each day!
When you look at all AngelSense has to offer: the 2 way calls, the runner mode that gives you 10 second updates, the first responder alarm that notifies authorities & friends, the ability to see your child’s day at a glass, and listen in when he’s in danger, you may think there’s no way you could afford the tracking device. Much less the monthly plan.
You can.
Before we go into the costs and the exclusive $50 discount for readers of the Word to Your Mother Blog, I want you to know what’s included in the kit and the monthly service plan.
The Meet Your New Guardian Kit from AngelSense Includes:
- AngelSense GPS Device
- Sleeve for the device
- 3 Fasteners
- 1 Magnetic Key
- Charger
- Travel Case
The Monthly Service Plan Includes:
- Real-time tracking app: IOS, Android, Web
- Unlimited First Responder Alerts
- Unlimited Personalized
- Emergency Runner Mode
- First Responder Team
- Alarm Capability (US Only)
- Unlimited notifications & Email Alerts
- Unlimited Guardians
- Unlimited Geofencing
- Voice Features 60 Minutes per Month
- ETA Capability
- Customer Support from Special Needs Parents
The Meet Your New Guardian Kit usually costs $229. Currently it is on sale for $99.
It’s worth it, but I realize that even at the discounted rate it’s still a large investment for many families. So I asked the folks at AngelSense if they could offer a special rate to the readers of my blog. They agreed.
I’m thrilled to be able to offer you a $50 savings on a Meet Your New Guardian Kit. You can access it here.
The monthly service plan is $39.99. I know this may seem like a lot, but it breaks down to around $1.33 per day. That’s the cost of a cup of coffee, or ice cream after school. It’s more than worth the sacrifice when you look at what’s potentially at stake.
Look, I hope you never have to go through the panic and pain I did a few months ago. I don’t have special powers to go back in time and re-do that day. But I do have a special needs son who deserves the best when it comes to his safety and security.
For that reason, I choose and recommend AngelSense as the all-around best GPS tracker for kids with autism.
Click here to lock in the special discounted rate today for your child’s safety and your peace of mind.
More Autism Resources
15 Must-Have Tips for Parenting A Child with Autism: Autism Spectrum Disorder Parenting for Overwhelmed Moms
How to Know An Autism Meltdown Vs. A Tantrum: 9 Tips That Help Calm A Sensory Overloaded Child
50 Tools Every Autism Mom Should Have in Her Calm Down Kit
26 (Funny) Signs You’re An Autism Mom
40 Sensory Play Activities
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