Total Vegetarian Keto Diet For Beginners: This Sample Vegetarian Keto Diet Food List + Meal Plan Is The Ultimate Guide

A vegetarian keto diet could be the best of both worlds. You get the fat-burning, weight loss benefits of a low carb diet along with the anti-inflammatory and gut health benefits of a plant-based diet.

30 Day Vegetarian Keto Meal Plan. Whether you’re new to the ketogenic diet or need a few new keto recipes for weight loss, you’ll love this 30 day low carb keto meal plan for vegetarians! Find everything you need to lose weight on the keto diet: delicious Indian inspired recipes, fat bombs, zucchini noodles, spaghetti squash, & over 90 easy keto recipes for breakfast, lunch & dinners you can make in the crockpot with dairy free options! #keto #ketorecipes #lowcarb #lowcarbrecipes #vegetarian

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Today we’re going to cover a lot of ground:

What Is The Keto Diet
Can You Do Keto As A Vegetarian
What Are The Benefits of A Vegetarian Keto Diet?
What Foods To Eat
What Foods To Avoid
90 Vegetarian Keto Diet Recipes To Try

The keto diet can be confusing, especially if you are a vegetarian. One minute you’ve got it all together, searching for dinner recipes, and next thing you know, you’re googling macro counts and plant-based proteins because you think you may be doing the whole keto diet wrong!

It happens to the best of us.

That’s why I wrote this guide, Total Keto Diet For Beginners, to help folks navigate the keto diet without losing their mind.

Hey, I understand second-guessing the weight-loss gurus out there. 

You should be skeptical!

But this is not just another keto blog. Seriously, the keto diet changed my life.

Six years ago I was a little heavier than I am now. Ok, a lot heavier:)

After a series of unfortunate events, including over-hearing one of my daughter’s friends calling me fat, and realizing I was becoming a shut-in due to my weight and a heavy cloud of depression, I decided to start this life-changing keto diet that I didn’t believe in at first. It appealed to me because I loved food & I refused to starve myself. I saw results immediately, and once I gained momentum there was no stopping me. I lost more than 20 pounds in the first two months. That’s when I started to believe in the keto diet.

I explain all the details in my new book, Rebel Keto, including how I did it without doing macro math at every meal. If you are a woman who is tired of trendy diet B.S. and you need a real-world roadmap to help you get healthy (low-carb style), Rebel Keto will be your new best friend. Check it out HERE.

As cheesy as it may sound, you can change your life with this diet.

Not just shed a few pounds for a wedding, or get in shape for bikini season, I’m talking about real life altering progress.

The keto diet offers many health benefits in addition to weight loss that have impacted my life big time. It helped with my depression, balanced my hormones, stabilized my crazy migraines and I look ten years younger.

Hell, let’s be honest. I’m a different person now. And that’s fine. Because I hated who I had allowed myself to become.

But enough about me, let’s get to keto!

What Is The Keto Diet?

The ketogenic (keto) diet is a low carb, high-fat diet that helps you lose weight by entering a natural metabolic state known as ketosis. 

In addition to weight loss, numerous studies have indicated that a ketogenic diet reduces factors for cardiovascular disease (diabetes, heart disease, stroke), and some suggest it to be beneficial for certain types of cancer.

The ketogenic diet works by forcing your body into a metabolic state known as ketosis.

Ketosis is a natural metabolic state. Ketones are produced when you eat minimal amounts of carbohydrates and moderate amounts of protein. When your body doesn’t have carbohydrates to burn for energy, it burns fat.

What Is A Plant-Based Diet?

Whole food, plant-based diets are heart healthy, environment-friendly, type-2 diabetes-fighting lifestyle eating plans that celebrate food and nourish your body.

On a plant-based diet, you’ll focus on eating whole or non-processed foods and plants like vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes, seeds, and nuts.

The major difference in a vegetarian keto diet and a plant-based diet?

You’ll omit the fruits (at first), grains, and legumes.

Benefits of A Plant-Based Diet

Gut Health 

Plant-based diets that are full of whole grains, legumes, and seeds support gut health by increasing the healthy bacteria in our GI tract.


Both The American Diabetes Association and The American Academy of Dietetics recommend the plant-based diet for patients with diabetes.

Heart Disease 

Heart disease is the #1 cause of death in women (& men) in the United States. Plant-based diets reduce your risk of heart disease by lowering blood pressure, improving cholesterol, and helping with weight loss.


Recent research shows us plant-based diets may help with slowing the progression of some cancers due to the antioxidant content of whole plant foods like fruits and vegetables.

How To Go Keto When You’re A Vegetarian

Ok, so there are a ton of carnivores on the keto diet. But here’s the truth:

You can make a vegetarian keto diet work by focusing on whole, plant-based low carb vegetables and lots of healthy fats.

What’s the down-low on fat? I thought fat was the enemy?

The way I see it, the low-fat trend that led to SnackWells cookies becoming a “healthy choice” is to blame for our obesity epidemic.

I’ll spare you the boring details of the backstory and hit the high-points.

Our long and sorted tale of misinformation begins back in 1911 with Proctor and Gamble’s patent for Crisco, which made trans fats a staple in margarine, shortenings, doughnuts, packaged cookies, baked goods, and fast-food fryers.

1956: Legislation to form the highway system gave McDonald’s, Burger King, and other fast-food joints (who used partially hydrogenated vegetable oils to transport their foods on the cheap) easy access to everyone’s hometown.

1976: Cut to 1976 when Senator George McGovern voiced concerns about possible links to diet and disease. McGovern called upon head guru of the day Nathan Pritikin whose belief was that you could reverse heart disease with nutrition.

The theory was that fat was the problem.

This hearing led to the first set of American dietary guidelines that listed eat more carbs as a goal.

1981: Then it gets super shady when a1981 Welsh study that found a link to these oils and heart disease gets ignored.

Meanwhile, the food industry is capitalizing on the new recommendations, and the general public gets inundated with all sorts of “healthy” low-fat foods.

The story gets slightly better when Harvard researchers published findings similar to the Welsh study in 1993 – This time, people paid attention.

But in between, the number of Americans with type 2 diabetes and heart disease skyrocketed. And now here we are with today’s confusion about eating fat. Oh, and over 70% of our population is overweight.

Bottom Line: Let go of the past and embrace heart-healthy fats.

Healthy Fats

Coconut Oil

Avocado Oil

Olive Oil

Macadamia Nut Oil

Walnut Oil (Use Small Amounts)


Palm Oil

Also, stock up on healthy, low carb veggies.

Having them on hand when hunger strikes is your best bet.

Best Low Carb Vegetables For A Vegetarian Keto Diet




Bell Peppers

Bok Choy




Collard Greens


Green Beans

Jalapeno Peppers









Swiss Chard




Eating fiber and nutrient-rich veggies will make you feel full during and after meals and help provide the vitamins & minerals your body needs for a healthy immune system.

**The complete list of ketogenic diet foods can be found & downloaded here.

30 Day Vegetarian Keto Meal Plan. Whether you’re new to the ketogenic diet or need a few new keto recipes for weight loss, you’ll love this 30 day low carb keto meal plan for vegetarians! Find everything you need to lose weight on the keto diet: delicious Indian inspired recipes, fat bombs, zucchini noodles, spaghetti squash, & over 90 easy keto recipes for breakfast, lunch & dinners you can make in the crockpot with dairy free options! #keto #ketorecipes #lowcarb #lowcarbrecipes #vegetarian

Where To Get Your Protein On A Vegetarian Keto Diet

Concerned about protein? Or lack thereof?

I get it.

Since meat is out of the question, many people are left wondering if a vegetarian keto diet leads to protein deficiencies.

The answer is no!

You can get all the daily protein you need from eggs and cheese.

Still, eggs and cheese can only be prepared so many ways until they get so boring you can’t take it anymore.

Here are 5 tasty sources of protein that are keto-approved.

30 Day Vegetarian Keto Meal Plan. Whether you’re new to the ketogenic diet or need a few new keto recipes for weight loss, you’ll love this 30 day low carb keto meal plan for vegetarians! Find everything you need to lose weight on the keto diet: delicious Indian inspired recipes, fat bombs, zucchini noodles, spaghetti squash, & over 90 easy keto recipes for breakfast, lunch & dinners you can make in the crockpot with dairy free options! #keto #ketorecipes #lowcarb #lowcarbrecipes #vegetarian

Eggs & Dairy 





Unsweetened Coconuts

Foods To Avoid

Ok, so it is always better to focus on what you can eat rather than what you can’t. My experience has taught me that the moment I tell myself a food is off-limits, the more I want it. But these foods are what I call universally unhealthy ( meaning no matter what “diet” you choose – these need to be on the avoid list.


Sugar-Filled Drinks: Energy Drinks, Soda, Fruit Juice

Refined GrainsWhite Rice, White Pasta, White Bread

Processed Foods: Candy, Cake, Pastries, Chips
Fast Food

Junk Food

+ Foods To Avoid On A Vegetarian Keto Diet




So, if you’re ready to try the vegetarian keto diet, here is a sample meal plan that includes 90 recipes for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Plus snacks.


Keto Diet For Vegetarians – Breakfast

Vegan Bulletproof Coffee

Adding fat – in this case – coconut oil – to your morning cup of coffee will boost energy & fat burning! Try this Vegan recipe via Create Mindfully

Veggie Egg Muffins ~ Word To Your Mother Blog

Easy Pumpkin Bread ~ Word To Your Mother Blog

Chaffles (Keto Waffles) – Word To Your Mother Blog

Low Carb Blueberry Pancakes ~ Tastaholics

Coconut Low Carb Porridge ~ Low Carb Yum

Easy Shakshuka

90 Vegetarian Keto Diet Recipes This 30-day Vegetarian Keto Meal Plan is perfect if you’re new to the ketogenic diet or you’re looking for delicious keto recipes to add to your weekly meal plan! With 90 easy breakfast, lunch, and dinner recipes you’ll find great tasting low carb Vegetarian keto recipes for every meal! You’ll love the zucchini noodles, easy crockpot recipes & dairy-free options! #keto #ketorecipes #ketodiet #ketogenic #vegetarian #vegetarianketo #lowcarb #LCHF
Photo: Tastaholics

Crustless Spinach Cheese Pie ~ Low Carb Yum

Easy Oven Baked Eggs ~ Word To Your Mother Blog

Vanilla Waffles ~ The Big Man’s World

Keto Overnight “Oats” ~ Healthful Pursuit

Simple Tofu Scramble ~ V Nutrition

Baby Kale, Mozzarella, And Egg Bake Recipe ~ Kalyn’s Kitchen

Kalyn’s Kitchen

Mini Eggplant Parmesan Breakfast Pizzas ~ Inspector Gorgeous

Vegan [Eggplant] Bacon ~ PopSugar Fitness

My Favorite Breakfast Frittata ~ Eat Yourself Skinny

Chia Pudding [5 VARIATIONS] ~ Wellness Mama

Cinnamon French Tofu Sticks ~ VegAnnie

Cheesy Spinach & Mushroom Breakfast Casserole ~ What A Girl Eats

Very-Veggie Cauliflower Hash Brown Breakfast Bowl ~ Iowa Girl Eats

Omega-3 Keto Porridge ~ The Castaway Kitchen

Breakfast Kale Salad ~ Glue & Glitter

Cheesy Spinach & Mushroom Breakfast Casserole ~ What A Girl Eats

Green Low Carb Breakfast Smoothie ~ Tastaholics

Breakfast Keto Smoothie ~ Broke Foodies

Low Carb Cinnamon Roll Muffins ~ The Big Man’s World

Vegetarian Mushroom Breakfast Casserole ~ Plaid & Paleo

Blueberry Muffins With Almond Flour ~ Wholesome Yum

Vegan Keto Peanut Butter Donuts ~ Meat Free Keto

10 Minute Blueberry Muffin In A Mug ~ Word To Your Mother Blog

Vegetarian Keto Diet Recipes – Lunch

90 Vegetarian Keto Diet Recipes This 30-day Vegetarian Keto Meal Plan is perfect if you’re new to the ketogenic diet or you’re looking for delicious keto recipes to add to your weekly meal plan! With 90 easy breakfast, lunch, and dinner recipes you’ll find great tasting low carb Vegetarian keto recipes for every meal! You’ll love the zucchini noodles, easy crockpot recipes & dairy-free options! #keto #ketorecipes #ketodiet #ketogenic #vegetarian #vegetarianketo #lowcarb #LCHF

Photo: Tastaholics

Caprese Salad ~ Tastaholics

Vegan Keto Bento Box ~ Julie’s Lifestyle

Rainbow Cauliflower Crust Pizza ~ Gimme Delicious

Margherita Pizza With Portobello Mushroom Crust ~ 80 Twenty Nutrition

Image: 80 Twenty Nutrition

Cauliflower Crust Grilled Cheese ~ The Iron You

Keto Tabbouleh ~ Two Sleevers

Guacamole Salad In A Jar ~ PopSugar

Mediterranean Roasted Cauliflower Salad ~ Sugar Free Mom

Spicy Tomato Basil Soup ~ Tastaholics

Chopped Thai Salad With Coconut Curry Dressing ~ The Wicked Noodle

Butternut Squash Bisque ~ Civilized Caveman

Low Carb Vegan Bibimbap ~ Low Carb Vegan

Greek Collard Wraps

Low Carb Pizza With Kale Pesto ~ Contentedness Cooking

Marinated Eggplant & Tomatoes ~ i Food Blogger

Portobello Mushroom Bacon [Vegan Bacon] ~ Veganosity

Roasted Butternut Squash Apple Soup ~ Delightful Mom Food

Charred Veggie & Hot Goat Cheese Salad ~

Low Carb Zucchini Fritters ~ Low Carb Maven

High Protein Salad In A Jar ~ The Flexitarian

Spicy Southwestern Vegetarian Burger ~ SkinnyMs

Low Carb Cauliflower Pizza ~ Wholesome Yum

Spinach Artichoke Squares ~ From A Chef’s Kitchen

Supreme Green Bean Casserole ~ Low Carb Maven

Low Carb Gnocchi ~ Tastaholics

Epic Low Carb Mash ~ Potluck At Oh My Veggies

Grilled Lemon Garlic Zucchini ~ Damn Delicious

Vegetarian Keto Club Salad ~ Ruled.Me

Ginger Sesame Walnut & Hemp Seed Lettuce Wraps ~ Create Mindfully

Eggplant Pizza Bites [LOW CARB GF DF] ~ Avocado Pesto

Vegetarian Keto Diet Recipes Dinner

Vegetarian Spaghetti Squash Casserole ~ Peas and Crayons

Cauliflower Noodle Lasagna ~ The Iron You

One Pot Zucchini Pasta ~ Making Thyme For Good Health

Crockpot Low Carb Lasagna ~ Well Plated

Skinny Southwestern Crustless Quiche Recipe [Vegetarian] ~ Cookin Canuck

Roasted Garlic & Red Pepper Zoodles ~ Running On Real Food

Vegan Keto Walnut Chili ~ Abbey’s Kitchen

Zucchini Noodles With Avocado Sauce ~ Simple Vegan Blog

Low Carb Mexican Cauliflower Rice

Image: My Food Story

Egg Roll In A Bowl ~ DETOXINSTA

Vegan Low Carb Cauliflower Nuggets ~ Meat Free Keto

Keto Creamy Avocado Pasta With Shirataki ~ Happy Keto

Crispy Peanut Tofu & Cauliflower Rice Stir Fry

Image: The Minimalist Baker

Veggie Noodle Pad Thai [ONE SKILLET MEAL]~ The Castaway Kitchen

Vegan Keto Carbonara ~ Meat Free Keto

Keto Mushroom Pasta ~ Happy Keto

Creamy Caprese Cauliflower Casserole ~ The Iron You

Parmesan Cauliflower Steak

Image: Hey Keto Mama

Low Carb Mushroom Risotto With Cauliflower Rice ~ Peace, Love & Low Carb

Spinach Artichoke Stuffed Peppers ~ Delish

Keto Tabouleh

Image: Healthful Pursuit

Super Skinny Creamy Spinach Pasta Primavera [SHIRATAKI NOODLES]~ Home Sweet Jones

Low Carb Spanakopita Cottage Cheese & Egg Casserole ~ Mom Foodie

Cabbage Lasagna ~ Low Carb Yum

Spaghetti Sauce Alfredo With Pancetta & Peas

Spinach & Feta Pie [CROCKPOT RECIPE] ~ Ditch The Carbs

Grilled Zucchini Pizza Slices ~ Kalyn’s Kitchen

Vegan Quiche ~ VegAnnie

Black Garlic Shirataki Noodles With King Oyster Mushrooms ~ Pups With Chopsticks


Olive Oil Roasted Sugar Snap Peas – Forget Sugar Friday

Parmesan Squash Chips – A Few Shortcuts

Almond Flour Tortillas – Word To Your Mother Blog

Oven Baked Zucchini Chips – Low Carb Yum

Easy Cucumber Bites – Eating On A Dime

Cream Cheese Fat Bombs – Word To Your Mother Blog

Dairy-Free Chocolate Peanut Butter Fat Bombs – Word To Your Mother Blog

Chocolate Peppermint Fat Bombs – Create Mindfully

Peanut Butter Fat Bombs – Word To Your Mother Blog

Cacao & Cashew Fat Bombs – Kettle & Fire

Chocolate Chip Cookies (Low Carb, Keto, Gluten-Free) – Word To Your Mother Blog

Looking For Ways To Make Sticking To Keto Easier?

I get it! I’ve lost 148 pounds on the keto diet and maintained that weight loss for eight years. Here are my top two sanity-saving recommendations. 

Option 1 -> 

Tasteaholics Custom Keto Weekly Meal Plans and Keto In Five cookbooks. They kept me on track for the first two years of my weight loss journey. 

Here’s the low-down on the weekly meal plans – Tastaholics will send you pre-calculated, low-carb meal plans and recipes right into your inbox – no more hunting down recipes on the internet and trying to fit them together perfectly every day. 

Option 2 -> Buy My Book! 

Rebel Keto is the all-new sustainable approach to the keto diet. 

With over 110 easy-to-follow recipes, Rebel Keto serves up the tea on how to level up your weight loss and health for life. Rebel Keto takes the guesswork, boredom, and the math out of going low carb – for real.Think of Rebel Keto as cracking open an 80’s time capsule to uncover the truth about the lies that led us to an obesity epidemic as you take a walk down memory lane. Cue up the old-school style mixtape of low-carb recipes, and prepare to serve (or get served) deliciously wicked recipes:

  • The Drop Biscuits Sir Mix A Lot Would Approve Of
  • Bill & Ted’s Egg Salad Adventure
  • The Great Muppet Caper Butter with Dill
  • Karma Chameleon Cauliflower
  • Working 9 To 5 Cheeseburger Casserole
  • Vanilla Ice Ice 5-Minute Mug Cake

Rebel Keto is The Totally Awesome Girls’ Guide to Losing Weight, Breaking the Rules, and Having a Life Outside the Kitchen. Get your hardback copy or ebook here. 

Ok – sales pitch over. I hope you enjoyed the 411 and the recipes! I’ve gotta go before my kids tell the neighbors I’m “slacking” on the Mom Job!:))} Have a great day, and thank you for reading.

More Keto Recipes & Tips You’ll Love:

Rebel Keto: How I Stopped The Blame Game, Lost the Weight, and Wrote a Book About Keto

Ultimate Guide To Drinking On A Low Carb Diet

Best Keto Shortbread Cookies Recipe

30 Ways To Keep Your Starbucks Order Keto-Friendly

Loaded Keto Cauliflower Casserole

16 Energizing & Fat Burning Keto Coffee Recipes

500+ Keto Recipes & Meal Ideas

Don’t forget to save these vegetarian keto recipes!

30 Day Vegetarian Keto Meal Plan. Whether you’re new to the ketogenic diet or need a few new keto recipes for weight loss, you’ll love this 30 day low carb keto meal plan for vegetarians! Find everything you need to lose weight on the keto diet: delicious Indian inspired recipes, fat bombs, zucchini noodles, spaghetti squash, & over 90 easy keto recipes for breakfast, lunch & dinners you can make in the crockpot with dairy free options! #keto #ketorecipes #lowcarb #lowcarbrecipes #vegetarian

Today’s Quote: “Wisdom is doing now what you are going to be happy with later on.”– Joyce Meyer


If you want straight talk about meal prep, life, and weight loss, drop your email below. No BS, guaranteed.

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